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Kallista Winemiller, Psychology Intern

Hello! My name is Kallista Autumn Star Winemiller, but I normally go by Star. My pronouns are she/her. I earned my bachelor’s degree in psychology with a minor in studio art from California University of Pennsylvania in 2021. I am currently pursuing a master’s degree in art
therapy with a specialization in counseling at Seton Hill University. In the summer of 2019, I worked at an organization that operates summer camps for people with disabilities, differing abilities, and chronic illness. I provided quality respite care and assistance with daily living and personal goal attainment, participated in art-making activities with individuals and groups, and
facilitated memorable summer camp experiences. I also have experience working at a group home. Like my experience at the summer camp, I also provided quality respite care and assistance with daily living and participated in art-making activities with these individuals.

My personal theoretical approach is eclectic and draws from approaches such as existential/humanistic theories, person-centered approaches, psychodynamic theory, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, trauma-informed approaches, the Expressive Therapies Continuum, and
feminist theory. I value the integration of multicultural and diversity competence and a social justice approach into counseling practice. I also integrate art therapy invitations, psychoeducation, neuroscience, and mindfulness into practice. I am an ally of the LGBTQIA+ community. I am also a sex worker ally. Ultimately, I will tailor my approach to your unique

Artistic expression offers the opportunity for catharsis or release that may not be offered by verbal language. Neuroscience has shown how art can be used to help unlock holistic healing potential within our collaborative relationship and the self. I aim to provide a safe, empathic, and nonjudgemental environment to promote positive coping, change, and growth based on your
unique personal goals. Artmaking allows for people to externalize their struggles and gain control of their lives. It offers freedom through expression and the soothing of emotions. It enhances emotional intelligence, problem solving abilities, understanding of the self, self-
confidence, resilience, focus on the present, utilization of multiple senses, and connections with others, the world, and the environment.

In my free time, I enjoy making art. I love to paint and draw people, animals, and landscapes. I love to make collages as well. I like to make small sculptures out of clay and found objects. I take pleasure in reading and listening to podcasts about art therapy, psychology, art, crime, current events, history, comedy, and other various topics. I also enjoy gardening, cooking, baking, listening, singing, and dancing to music, experiencing nature through walking, hiking, taking photographs, and simply connecting to the earth, playing video games and board games, traveling to new places, trying new foods, going to concerts, and spending time with loved ones
(including my 2 cats, Dutchess and Astro).